Friday, 9 July 2010


Yes, I've been AWOL!  My hand turned out to be quite painful and so typing has been tricky!

I made a trip to A&E last week, nothing is broken but I have damaged the tendons in my hand and arm.  So I think it'll be a few weeks before I'm back to normal.  I'm trying to keep it moving, but nothing too strenuous.

So, what have I been up to?  Well, my Etsy store needed a bit of attention.  I have a new store and had no Bio written and no Terms and Conditions. So I've put that in place.

I've been playing around with ideas for buttons, so here's a sneak peek!

They are ceramic buttons which I've covered with PMC and then added UV resin.  I'm quite pleased with this, so am going to get to work on some more!

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